Candy Corn Cocktails with Black Sugar

👻How to Plan a Virtual Brunch with Your Ghoul-friends🥂

Friends!!! This year has been insane, am I right?! With things still in constant flux and chaos, there's one thing we can still rely on...BRUNCH! Can I get a heck yes?! Listen, it may not look the way it did 6 months ago but we can still eat, drink, and be merry. And what better way to do that than with a Virtual Brunch?! So how do you even do a virtual brunch? Here's what we know...

You need a couple of killer recipes

You definitely need some spooky spirits 

Plating and decorating is legit half the fun so go batty with it 🦇 

You'll need 3-5 ghoul-friends and a Zoom meeting

      Step 1 - Killer Recipes🥐

      Y'all the best part of brunch is that delicious aroma wafting through a restaurant, cafe, or in this case your kitchen. From the cinnamon in your oatmeal to the fresh citrus in your mimosa, your tastebuds will be dancing with the preparations alone!! That's why we highly recommend the following three recipes:

      Pumpkin Pecan Baked Oatmeal

      Colorful Brunch Frittata

      The Brunch Board 

      Step 2 - Spooky Spirits👻

      Y'all here are two of our favorite Halloween cocktails! 

      3 Ingredient Candy Corn Cocktails 

      Halloween Margaritas with Black Sugar YUM!!!

      Step 3 - Go Batty with Your Plating 🦇

      Who doesn't love a little festive decor? 

      From gourds to Halloween attire, your brunch wouldn't be quite festive enough without this epic addition:

      So plate the perfect spread on these gorgeous Skull Charcuterie Boards

      lotus sugar skull charcuterie boards resin
       Rose Sugar Skull Charcuterie Board

      In addition to these epic handmade charcuterie boards, we also whipped up these adorable DIY Color Craft Kits....Now hear us out here, remember a few years back with adult coloring books made a major comeback? Lol, that was ridiculously fun and we're not afraid to admit it. So it seems only perfect that we'd offer some DIY Decorations that each of your brunch attendees can create and share at your virtual brunch!! (Or you could keep the kiddos occupied for a bit while you catch up on life with your besties!)

      Step 4 - Go Plan that Zoom Meeting!

      Seriously friend, go plan that Zoom meeting so that your favorite ghoul-friends can attend! According to an awesome article by Bustle "Pick a date and time that works for you and your brunch crew. You want to make sure that you settle on a time that everyone can actually be present for, so get a group chat going and talk about this for a minute. For example, if your friends have kids, schedule your brunch during a nap. Or, if your friends live with other people, have them check with them to find a time that they can ensure a good hour or so of quiet, uninterrupted, private screen time, in a room, they can eat in that also has great WiFi. " Read More here.

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      ] Odopuob


      ] Ibonecja


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