Cool Christmas Gift for Grandma

Holiday season is right around the corner and here comes the dreaded question

What do you get the gal who has it all?

Seriously, it's the hardest part of the holidays, at least for me it is! That's why this year I'm going to make it super simple for you, it's spelled


(no, not that tired old love bug). The Herbie I'm talking about is your new bestie for the holidays. After all, does grandma have one of these? In the words of Kevin McAllister "I don't think so"

So what the heck is a Herbie?

Glad you asked! Herbie is the perfect gift for grandma or the hostess in your life. Herbie is ergonomically designed to be used in the kitchen with ease. A partner in crime ready to strip those pesky herbs off their stems, or de-leaf the heartiest kale!

Don't believe me?

Check out this awesome video  that one of Herbie's fans sent in. 

Herbie saves time in the kitchen

Simplifying the time consuming task of preparing fresh herbs for any recipe. Something that grandma has probably spent years doing by hand, and let's be honest those hands cramp easily and aren't as dexterous as they once were. I know for me, Herbie is an essential tool in my kitchen (especially after having nerve damage on my wrist) and I'm 39. I can't imaging where my body will be in another 30 years but I do know Ill be cooking and baking for my family as long as I can. And I bet I'll be doing it with my Herbie in hand.

Go ahead and grab one for Grandma

I bet you she'll love it!

Herbie the Wooden Herb Stripper

Herbie is crafted in Montana, USA by TFTWood. A small, family-owned woodshop.

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